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Rav Dessler zt"l
The Slifkin Affair
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Sources critical of biblical criticism (as in
the hypothetical J, E, P and D layers)
- Frank Moore Cross. The History of the
Israelite religion. Biblical Archaeology Review. Pages 42- 45. Vol.
31 no. 3, May/June 2005. (page 44).
Frank Moore Cross is Harvard's eminent scholar of ancient Near Eastern
thought. It is refreshing to see him state the obvious: Wellhausen's Prolegomena (1878) has a disguised but strong
anti-Judaic spirit; the reasoning is circular; and is based on Wellhausen's
philosophical presuppositions rather than objective evidence. Cross states that
he is not beating a dead horse given the revival of the nostalgic mainly
European Neo-Welhausenists, and he is surprised how it has even penetrated
into Israeli Biblical scholarship despite its antinomian and latently
anti-Semitic thrust.