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The Slifkin Affair
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Links to Avodah with posts on Science and Torah and
the Slifkin Affair
Post on Rambam MNIII:50 is brought to Rabbi Slifkin's attention. Note
that in his new book "Challenge of Creation" (2006), Rabbi Slifkin
allegorizes the accounts of the creation of
Adam HaRishon at Gen 1.26 and Gen 2.7. He
substitutes Darwin's origin myth that man is a sort of "modified monkey" for
the Torah's historical meta-natural account.
Claim by Rabbi Slifkin that Rabbi Shalom
Kamenetsky supports Rabbi Slifkin's wholesale approach to allegory in
the first chapters of the Torah: "My specific allegory in my sefer has
haskamos from Rav Aryeh
Carmell [zt"l], Rav Sholom Kamenetzky, and Rav
Mordechai Kornfeld, shlita" (11 September 2004).
Letter from Rabbi Shalom Kamenetsky about
Rabbi Slifkin's book Science of Torah: "My name does appear in his book and
a careful reading of the haskomo will show that I gave no haskomo on the
content"(13 September 2006)