beyond the state of the art: a microminiaturized rotary motor and
propeller system that drives a tiny vessel through liquid. The engine
and drive mechanism are composed of 40 parts, including a rotor, stator,
driveshaft, bushings, universal joint, and flexible propeller. The
engine is powered by a flow of ions, can rotate at up to 100,000 rpm
(ten times faster than a NASCAR racing engine), and can reverse
direction in a quarter of a rotation. The system comes with an automatic
feedback control mechanism. The engine itself is about 1/100,000th of an
inch wide, far smaller than can be seen by the human eye.
"Most of us would be pleasantly
surprised to learn that some genius had designed such an engineering
triumph. What might come as a greater surprise is that there is a
dominant faction in the scientific community that is prepared to defend,
at all costs, the assertion that this marvelous device could not
possibly have been designed, must have been produced blindly by
unintelligent material forces, and only gives the appearance of being
"As you may have guessed, these
astonishingly complex, tiny, and efficient engines exist. Millions of
them exist inside you, in fact. They are true rotary motors that drive
the bacterial flagellum, a whip-like propulsion device for certain
bacteria, including the famous E. coli that lives in your digestive